Saturday, December 27, 2008

Little Babysitter

Avery and I babysat Ella tonight and Avery was so great with her. She helped feed her and told me when she had a dirty diaper. Avery loves Ella very much. It is so fun to spend time with both of them.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


We had a great vacation in Breckenridge this last week. Aaron, Brenna, Ella, Dad, Sharrell, Dustin, Rachel, Avery and I all stayed in a cabin on the slopes of Breckenridge for 5 days. It was my first time to ski and although I spent most my time falling down, I loved it. Dustin also took Avery and skiied her down a green mountain. He skiied her right between his legs and she loved it. She would pass me by and say "Bye Bye Mama." I loved it. I also fell at the end of the hill and could not get up and Avery loved that as well. I wasn't for sure that she was going to have fun since spent the first 20 minutes complaining as we walked up the hill that her legs were tired and it was cold outside. She wanted to go down again, but Dustin's shoulder was hurting so we stopped where we were at.

I loved Breckenridge and I loved skiing! What a blast. I skiied down a fairly hard blue and it was so exhilirating. The town of Breckenridge is also really cute and I loved the atmosphere in the ski lodge. I can't wait to go again.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

So sick!

Poor Avery was so sick this week. She was up almost all night on Monday night, throwing up, tossing and turning and crying. Wow, it is a really tough job being a mom sometimes. I took her to the doctor and she was really good at the Doctor. We went and got her medicine and she cried the whole through Target. We then had to go to my work so I could finish some urgent projects. Avery was so cute. She sat right beside me and fell asleep with her head on my desk. When she woke up the medicine had started to kick in and talked my ear off. Too cute! Everyone around us was laughing at her. When we went home, Avery said "Can we go back tomorrow, that was fun". I think she liked all the attention, the candy, sitting next to me and getting loved on.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A Pet?

I am considering getting a pet although I am not 100% decided. I am more partial to dogs although I am not sure that would be a good idea. I travel for work some and I also like the flexibility of not having to go home directly from work if I don't want to. Avery wants us to get a cat. In fact, she asked me to ask our friend Charlie if we could have his cat TwoButts. lol. I told her that he wouldn't want to give up his kitty. We would have to find our own. She didn't seem to like that as much. he he. I haven't really decided what to do and I told her we would have to wait until the end of the year to decide.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Great Day

Avery and I had a great day yesterday. We layed on the couch and watched movies and ate popcorn. We colored in her coloring book and we played with Moon Sand (similar to Playdoh). At the end of the day, she hugged me and said "Your the bestest Mommy". It was the best day!