Friday, June 20, 2008

My little love, my little spitfire

Last night I took Avery to Chili's and we met up with girlfriend Chanda. I had the whole "let's put our manner on" talk with Avery prior to going in. She was of course, "yes, I gonna be good". :) She started putting her feet on the table about a few minutes into dinner. I told her several times not to do it....feet on the table again. So, we went to the bathroom and got a spanking. We came back and she decided to test me again and again so finally we went to the car and I put her in car and I stood outside for a few minutes. Chanda ended up eating dinner basically by herself. Avery is so strong willed and I am hoping and praying that part of it is just her age although I think it is just Avery. I hope that I can be a good mom to her and that in her life she uses that strong will in a good direction. I love her so very much and I want her to grow up to be well adjusted, warm person. :)

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