Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Then I got some cute pictures! :)

First Day of School

Stephen and I walked Avery to school on her first day of first grade. She was a little bit nervous, but not overly. She started pouting because I wanted to take video and photos of her, but I told her one day she would appreciate it and if she wanted to pout during them, she could:

Meet the Teacher - 1st Grade

Stephen and I took Avery to her meet the teacher at Donald Elementary for 1st Grade. Avery has Ms. Thompson. She seemed like a wonderful teacher. Avery will share a locker with Jaycee this year and attend ESD (Extended School Day) at the school after class.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Birthday Party

I was so proud of Avery. Recently, we went to a birthday party for a little friend of hers - Connor. Well, at the party, Avery was last in line for the little go kart races. It ended up that all the kids made it on the ride, but Avery. She got to go the second time around. I was so very, very proud of the way she acted. She did not cry. She did not act ugly. She acted perfect. It was one of those moments in life where you are so immensely proud - I wanted to cry and I did tear up. I am very blessed to have her!

Friday, May 20, 2011

First time fishing!

We went to Tulsa this past weekend and went fishing in a little pond. Avery caught two perch with her little Barbie fishing pole. It was precious. Stacy, TJ, Jerry, Stephen and I were there with her.

Lost a tooth

In the past two months, Avery has lost her two bottom front teeth. Stephen showed her how to wiggle them to get them to come out. She really did well getting them out. She wrote a note to the tooth fairy asking if she could keep her tooth. The tooth fairy let her and gave her a $2 bill. The second time she wrote a note asking what if the tooth fairy was a boy or girl. Avery was told that all tooth fairies are girls.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Swim Lessons

Avery is in swim lessons again this year. She is doing really well this year and is really trying to swim. She knows her friends swim and she wants to go to the pool with them so she is giving it her all and I am really proud of her.

Do you feel how my heart is beating for him?

So, about two weeks ago Stephen had to work late as they were moving into a new building. He works for AAA Auger and I was in the office doing some work and Avery was coloring. It was so quiet at home and Avery and I both are not used to being home alone any longer. I said - "I miss Stephen". Avery then proceeds to tell me "I know. Do you feel how my heart is beating for him?" and puts my hand up to her heart. She loves him to pieces.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

I can see his boobs!

Avery and I went to Chick Fil A last night and as we were going through the drive through, we saw a 13 or 14 year old kid with his shirt off. Avery said - I just don't get it. Doesn't he know I can see his boobs!


The next day I got home to a beautifully decorated piece of paper that said "I love you Lauren". Too sweet!

We are having a gril!

So, Stephen told Avery that we are having a baby girl since I was at a work event in the evening. I got home to tuck her in and she showed me a note she had made. It said "I am so happy to have a baby gril". Hahaha!

Friday, February 25, 2011


Recently we took Avery to the zoo with Aaron, Brenna, Ella, Every and Stephen and I. Avery rode a horse and this small area. The girls took turns riding in the wagon or two riding and one standing. Ella wanted to push Everly out several times. We had so much fun!


So, Stephen and I got married in the Cayman Islands over Thanksgiving. It was such a wonderful time, but we missed Avery like crazy. When we got home and we let her watch the video, she was bored to tears. How funny.