Saturday, November 21, 2009

Awesome things about Avery

Here are a couple things I adore about Avery:
1) She is compassionate when you are hurt or sick.
2) She is FEISTY...I don't know where she got that from ;)
3) She is loving.
4) She is smart.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Birthday Party

We had Avery's birthday party today for her turning 5. It was great! We dressed up as princesses, make up, had a princess castle bounce house and a princess cake. She loved it. Her friends - Allison, Trinity, Peyton, Ally, Mikayla, Kelsey all came to the party. It was great. My friend Chanda let us host it at her house. Avery acted wonderful.