Saturday, September 12, 2009

More bath water please!

My mom gave Avery a bath the other night (she usually bathes with me) and Avery asked mom to put more water in the bath. My mom told her no that she only gets water up to her belly button. Avery then proceeds to tell my mom that she is in kindergarten and should get more bath water since she is big. My mom laughed and complied. :)

Saturday, September 5, 2009


So, Avery started Kindergarten.

She decided to throw a toy at her teacher this week because her teacher took away her necklace. So, the teacher sends her to the office. Avery then decides she doesn't want to be in the office so she gets up and runs out of the office. The director calls me to talk to Avery. Avery screams at the director "I don't want to talk to her". I then tell the director I am on my way. According to the director, as soon I pull up Avery says "Oh my God, I am in so much trouble".