Saturday, November 21, 2009

Awesome things about Avery

Here are a couple things I adore about Avery:
1) She is compassionate when you are hurt or sick.
2) She is FEISTY...I don't know where she got that from ;)
3) She is loving.
4) She is smart.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Birthday Party

We had Avery's birthday party today for her turning 5. It was great! We dressed up as princesses, make up, had a princess castle bounce house and a princess cake. She loved it. Her friends - Allison, Trinity, Peyton, Ally, Mikayla, Kelsey all came to the party. It was great. My friend Chanda let us host it at her house. Avery acted wonderful.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

More bath water please!

My mom gave Avery a bath the other night (she usually bathes with me) and Avery asked mom to put more water in the bath. My mom told her no that she only gets water up to her belly button. Avery then proceeds to tell my mom that she is in kindergarten and should get more bath water since she is big. My mom laughed and complied. :)

Saturday, September 5, 2009


So, Avery started Kindergarten.

She decided to throw a toy at her teacher this week because her teacher took away her necklace. So, the teacher sends her to the office. Avery then decides she doesn't want to be in the office so she gets up and runs out of the office. The director calls me to talk to Avery. Avery screams at the director "I don't want to talk to her". I then tell the director I am on my way. According to the director, as soon I pull up Avery says "Oh my God, I am in so much trouble".

Monday, March 30, 2009

I just love myself so much

Frank sent me a link to a video he created of Avery to music. I watched the video and I was absolutely astounded how big my little baby is getting. I started balling. Avery asks "Mommy, why are you crying?" "What's wrong?" I proceed to tell her that nothing is wrong, that I just love her so much, that she is growing so fast and mommy just loves her. Avery then starts balling.

I then start to feel really bad that I upset my little one. I ask her "Avery, why are you crying?" I expect her to say something like "Because you are upset" or something of the like. Instead she says, "Because I love myself so much". Hilarious!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Avery and Ella bug at the grocery store. :)

Wonderful times!

In the picture is Kevin, Allison and Avery.
Avery and I are having such a great time right now. I am so very thankful for her.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Avery Likes

Avery likes:
1) Dancing to the intro of Hannah Montana
2) Watching Hannah Montana
3) Spongebob
4) Anything sweet
5) Cream of wheat for breakfast
6) Bacon
7) Storytime
8) Painting her fingernails and toenails
9) Coloring
10) Playing with Playdah
11) Spelling her name on my phone

Learning to control emotions

The other day was the first experience I have ever had with Avery where she tried to control her emotions. She was sitting on the kitchen counter as she usually does with me in the mornings. She helps me cook and watches me while I am in there. She squeezed a napkin out over my coffee cup. I too sharply said "Avery, NO". She smiled at me trying hard not too cry....and then the tears and the sobs followed. She is learning and hopefully so I am to remember that she is 4 years old and curious.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Keep that in your heart

Avery is so cute. She will tell me something and then say "Keep that in your heart". Even if is something really mundane (like finding a button on the floor). "Mommy, I found a button on the floor. Keep that in your heart". Hilarious.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Oh no, I wanted a boy!

Yesterday when I went to get Avery from school, I told her that uncle Aaron called and told me if the baby was going to be a boy or a girl. Avery said "A Boy!"....I told her "No, they are having a girl". She said..."but I wanted a boy." Lol. If only it were that easy.