Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Don't worry Mommy...

As I was laying in bed with Avery this morning, I reminded her that she was going to her dad's. I told I don't want her to go and that I miss her when I am not with her. She tells me "Don't worry mom, I'll come back!" She was exasperated with me. I love that personality in her.

One thing else that she says that I love is "Your driving me crazy. " She did unfortunately pick that up from me....I need to watch that...but when she says it to me, I smile and laugh.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

What do you want to do?

The other night as Avery and I were in the living room, I started asking her about the extra activities at her school and what she would like to sign up for. She already does the Flip Bus which does gymnastic type activities with them. She turns around and says ...."Um, I'd like to do soccer, stretch and grow and computers". I laughed and told her to pick one. She said she'd like to sign up for computers....so that is what we are going to do. She also said "Thank you for signing me up for Flips Bus". She is so warm. Her personality is absolutely loving! I love it.